Arlington’s Top Landowners By Zone
While Arlington is primarily a residential town, there are plenty of business and even industrial districts too. But who owns what kind of land - that is, in which zoning districts or areas?
Top Landowners In Arlington
We charted the top 10 landowners by size in each type of zone. For example, in zone B4 - Vehicular Oriented Business, the Mirak family’s various auto properties comprise 13% of all B4-zoned land in Arlington by size, with Noyes Realty LLLC coming in next with 9.8%, and so on. The percentage of All Others (51.1% in B4) is then shown in black for all other smaller holders combined in each zone’s chart.
See Business districts, Industrial or Other districts, Residential districts, or Data Sources. Not shown is the Transportation district (MBTA, mainly) or W/WATER areas (like Spy pond or the Res). Note that the MU - Multi-Use and PUD - Planned Unit Development zones are effectively only single owners. Note, unlike our earlier comparison of the top landowners in Arlington, these charts include the Town of Arlington itself in calculations.
Business Districts
B1 - Neighborhood Office
B2 - Neighborhood Business
B2A - Major Business
B3 - Village Business
B4 - Vehicular Oriented Business
B5 - Central Business
Industrial Or Other Districts
I - Industrial
MU - Multi-Use
OS - Open Space
PUD - Planned Unit Development
Residential Districts
R0 - Large Lot Single Family
R1 - Single Family
R2 - Two Family
R3 - Three Family
R4 - Town House
R5 - Apartments Low Density
R6 - Apartments Med Density
R7 - Apartments High Density
Data Sources
All figures are derived from official data sources from the Town’s GIS department using the lot size of all parcels. Using a simple Ruby programming script, we have analyzed the core ArlingtonMA_Assessor table of all owners of land in town to sum up overall ownership records. Since many commercial properties are owned by trusts or LLC corporations, we have also consolidated beneficial ownership in selected cases for some major property owners in town. Entries in UPPERCASE are exact parcel owners directly in Assessor rolls; entries In Mixed Case are beneficial owners of various companies or realty trusts that we have combined. Note that our beneficial owner research may be incomplete or inaccurate depending on actual ownership structures.
Property size percentage of a zone is calculated against a summing up of all property LOT_SIZE within a zone. Note that comparisons against the separate ArlingtonMA_Zoning file don’t work (not sure why; we’ve asked the GIS department for comment).